Shipping cost calculation

With our shipping cost calculator, you can estimate your shipping costs in advance to determine the optimal quantity of products for your order.

Delivery Note:

We do not deliver to packing stations!

Which country do you ship to?

Sorry, no delivery possible

Unfortunately, we do not offer any delivery services for the area you have selected. We apologize for this.

Approximate order weight:

Items made of glass and plastic have different packaging and shipping requirements. Therefore, we calculate shipping costs differently depending on the material.
If your shopping cart primarily contains plastic containers, lids, or closures, please activate the “Add volume” option and enter the total volume of your order in litres.
If your shopping cart primarily contains glass items, please provide the total weight of your order in kilograms.

Kg L

Do you want express delivery?

Prior notice:

    Delivery option:

      Express Delivery Notice

      The shipping service provider needs your phone number for express delivery. You can enter this during the ordering process.

      Delivery times within the European Union

      Destination countryStandard deliveryExpress delivery
      Belgium2-3 working days1 working day*
      Bulgaria3-4 working days1 working day*
      Denmark3-4 working days1 working day*
      Germany2-3 working days1 working day*
      Estonia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Finland5-6 working days1 working day*
      France2-3 working days1 working day*
      Greece8-9 working days1 working day*
      Ireland4-5 working days1 working day*
      Italy3-4 working days1 working day*
      Croatia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Latvia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Lithuania3-4 working days1 working day*
      Luxembourg2-3 working days1 working day*
      Netherlands2-3 working days1 working day*
      Austria2-3 working days1 working day*
      Poland3-4 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Provide your SENT number and authorisation code for shipments.
      Portugal4-5 working days1 working day*
      Romania5-6 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Pallet shipments with a gross weight of 500 kg1 or more, or with a net value exceeding 10,000 Lei (approx. £1,680), must be registered by the recipient in the RO e-Transport system before shipping. Please share your UIT number with us.
      (1Note: Add a 10 % weight surcharge for packaging to the total weight indicated in your cart.)
      Sweden3-4 working days1 working day*
      Serbia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Slovakia3-4 working days1 working day*
      Slovenia3-4 working days1 working day*
      Spain4-5 working days1 working day*
      Czech Republic3-4 working days1 working day*
      Hungary4-5 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Pallet shipments with a gross weight of 500 kg1or more, or with a net value exceeding 1 million Forint (approx. £2,030), must be registered by the recipient in the EKÁER freight control system before shipping. Please provide your EKÁER number.
      (1Note: Add a 10 % weight surcharge for packaging to the total weight indicated in your cart.)

      *Applies to orders placed by 12:00 noon (Mon-Thu) with an instant payment method. In metropolitan areas, the delivery time is 1 working day. In other regions, delivery may take up to 2 additional working days.

      Delivery times within the European Union

      Destination countryStandard deliveryExpress delivery
      Belgium2-3 working days1 working day*
      Bulgaria3-4 working days1 working day*
      Denmark3-4 working days1 working day*
      Germany2-3 working days1 working day*
      Estonia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Finland5-6 working days1 working day*
      France2-3 working days1 working day*
      Greece8-9 working days1 working day*
      Ireland4-5 working days1 working day*
      Italy3-4 working days1 working day*
      Croatia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Latvia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Lithuania3-4 working days1 working day*
      Luxembourg2-3 working days1 working day*
      Netherlands2-3 working days1 working day*
      Austria2-3 working days1 working day*
      Poland3-4 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Provide your SENT number and authorisation code for shipments.
      Portugal4-5 working days1 working day*
      Romania5-6 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Pallet shipments with a gross weight of 500 kg1 or more, or with a net value exceeding 10,000 Lei (approx. £1,680), must be registered by the recipient in the RO e-Transport system before shipping. Please share your UIT number with us.
      (1Note: Add a 10 % weight surcharge for packaging to the total weight indicated in your cart.)
      Sweden3-4 working days1 working day*
      Serbia4-5 working days1 working day*
      Slovakia3-4 working days1 working day*
      Slovenia3-4 working days1 working day*
      Spain4-5 working days1 working day*
      Czech Republic3-4 working days1 working day*
      Hungary4-5 working days1 working day*
      Shipping notice for pallet shipments: Pallet shipments with a gross weight of 500 kg1or more, or with a net value exceeding 1 million Forint (approx. £2,030), must be registered by the recipient in the EKÁER freight control system before shipping. Please provide your EKÁER number.
      (1Note: Add a 10 % weight surcharge for packaging to the total weight indicated in your cart.)

      *Applies to orders placed by 12:00 noon (Mon-Thu) with an instant payment method. In metropolitan areas, the delivery time is 1 working day. In other regions, delivery may take up to 2 additional working days.

      Delivery times outside the European Union

      Please note: For deliveries to countries outside the European Union, additional costs may apply in certain cases. These costs are beyond our control and must be borne by you. Examples include fees for money transfers via financial institutions (e.g., transfer fees, currency exchange fees) or import-related duties and taxes (e.g., customs duties). For more information, please visit: European Commission: Taxation and Customs, Import VAT Information, Switzerland-specific Information.

      Destination countryStandard deliveryShipping notice
      United Kingdom5-10 working daysPallet shipping for new customers: Please complete the customs documents sent to you by email in full.
      Bosnia and Herzegovina6-7 working days
      Liechtenstein5-10 working daysWe offer pre-cleared delivery for Liechtenstein. This may cause a delay of up to 7 working days.
      Norway5-10 working days
      Switzerland5-10 working daysWe offer pre-cleared delivery for Switzerland. This may cause a delay of up to 7 working days.

      Delivery times outside the European Union

      Please note: For deliveries to countries outside the European Union, additional costs may apply in certain cases. These costs are beyond our control and must be borne by you. Examples include fees for money transfers via financial institutions (e.g., transfer fees, currency exchange fees) or import-related duties and taxes (e.g., customs duties). For more information, please visit: European Commission: Taxation and Customs, Import VAT Information, Switzerland-specific Information.

      Destination countryStandard delivery
      United Kingdom5-10 working days
      Pallet shipping for new customers: Please complete the customs documents sent to you by email in full.
      Bosnia and Herzegovina6-7 working days
      Liechtenstein5-10 working days
      We offer pre-cleared delivery for Liechtenstein. This may cause a delay of up to 7 working days.
      Norway5-10 working days
      Switzerland5-10 working days
      We offer pre-cleared delivery for Switzerland. This may cause a delay of up to 7 working days.
      Contact customer service

      Contact customer service

      For assistance, please reach out to our customer service team.

      Submit a request